
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hallmark or Not.... Silhouette Ornaments

I give my kids an ornament every Christmas. The plan is that when they get married I pass their ornaments on to them for their tree. I LOVE Hallmark ornaments and try to get them one that fits for that year. Here are a few from years past.

Thomas - the year he was in a band (that practiced in our basement..)

Jocelyn- the year she went on her first prom.

You get the idea. Well, this year I just wasn't crazy about any of the ornaments out there. I wound up buying some but decided to take them back. To go along with Jocelyn's home-made pledge I came up with this idea ~ Silhouette Frames

I had seen something like this in blog-land so at Thanksgiving I tried to get a side view picture of each of my kids. All of Michaels pictures look like so I had to improvise.

  • $1.00 frames from JoAnn's
  • Scrap book paper - patterned and solid black
  • Ribbon - I used black and red
  • Glue gun
1. I used ipages, but you can use word, etc. I opened up a new document. I made a 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" box. The I inserted a picture and resized until it fit inside the boxed area with room all around. Once you get the heads the size you need you don't really need the boxes so you can delete them and make more room for more heads. I printed it out.
2. I placed the printed out paper on top of the black paper and cut them out. You need to add the curved neck area. No pattern here I just winged it.
3. I cut out a 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" piece of the patterned scrapbook paper and since I wasn't sure if they might want a different silhouette I just taped the black silhouette on to the paper. I put the frame together.
4. I hot glue the ribbon on the back at the top so you can still open the back up or use the stand.

That's it!

I like the way they turned out but if I am honest I am still torn about the Hallmark ornaments.
Thankfully my husband, daughter in law and her parents each bought me one so I have three new ones for the tree! :)

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