
Monday, January 17, 2011

Bunko Babes...

What is more fun than a bunch of friends gathering together for a meal and a game of Bunko?  The chance to WIN! :)   

How we began...   A few years ago I was a substitute for my neighbors Bunko group.  It was so much fun I kept thinking about starting my own group.  When I found out that the small private school where I had taught for 15 years was closing, I knew I needed to do something for a number of reasons.  One, was just to keep in contact with my friends that I wouldn't be seeing on a daily basis.  Two, was I just needed something to look forward to each month.   

I put out some feelers and we started last January at my house.   We have a wonderful group of woman.   We keep a list of substitutes incase someone can't make it.  Each month a different lady hosts at her home.  The host provides dinner and dessert and a $15.00 Boobie prize.  After we eat dinner we start playing.  It's just rolling dice.  EASY RIGHT?   We play 2 rounds, eat dessert, and then play two more rounds.  We each contribute $5.00 towards the prizes and they are awarded as follows = Highest score ($40.00) Most bunkos ($20.00) and Lowest score gets the 'boobie' prize.  We rotate around the three tables so you get to chat with everyone as some point in the evening.  The beauty of it is you host it one time and then for the rest of the year you just go and enjoy.  For more info on the rules of Bunko go here

My husband created an awesome Excel file for us which makes figuring out who wins easy.  It calculates all the months so in December when we had our Christmas party we had prizes for overall scores too. If anyone is interested in the spreadsheet he created I would be happy to email it to you.

I think one of the things I enjoy the most, besides all the laughing, are the new friends I've made this year.    

Here are some pictures from our group.

Chicky preparing to feed all of us!

  Connie, Karen, Ms. Connie, and Trish

Julie and her sister in law, Lisa

Lisa, and Me!

It's my turn again this Friday!  Maybe I'll win this time!!  :)

Thanks for visiting.  Have a blessed day!  

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