
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pumping Iron

Not exactly what you might be thinking!  
I've been trying to get my sewing room in order.  Specifically my fabric.  I guess you could say I've gone through a sewing 'dry' period.  Yes, I altered bridal gowns when asked, hemmed friends sons pants and then took the hem out after he grew, and did a little bit of mending but not a lot of sewing for pleasure.  Thankfully I feel like I am out of that 'dry' season and thought I needed to organize my material.  

Pumping Iron?  Yup, for THREE DAYS STRAIGHT.....  

Day 1 - Calico's - 
That huge pile went from that to this, organized by color.  

Day 2 - Solids - 
Another huge pile turned into nice, neat stacks.

And Day 3 - My Christmas fabric 
By this point I was DONE WITH IRONING but I had to finish the job.

My daughter would be so proud!  Heck, I'm proud too! :)  I don't think I have ever ironed so much in so few amount of days.  Fortunately (or unfortunately) I still have a pile of my husbands work clothes I need to get to so I won't get out of practice.   Do you think ironing constitutes a work out?  Just wondering....

Have a blessed day!

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