
Wednesday, August 17, 2011


We just returned from our ninth year at Purple Door.  The first year we went was for my daughters birthday and I guess we are either hooked or crazy because we keep going back.  This year was the first time we didn't have any of our own kids with us!  And it has probably rained 7 out of the 9 years we've gone.  We go with great friends, Matt & Jennie and their kids.  We volunteer and work a 4 1/2 hour shift on Saturday and then we all go back on Sunday morning and clean the grounds.  You get to hear lots of good music, see some interesting people and make new friends. Here are some photo's from this year's trip.
Our campsite before the rain... 
I couldn't resist asking this guy if I could take his picture!
I am not sure what organization this guy was with but it had to be hot in there. 
This year the concert was at a new venue so there were lots of indoor stages and seats.  Here is our 'gang'.
A new band SisterBrother my daughter Jocelyn blogged about here.   They were awesome!
This was Sons & Daughters.  Great harmonies and a cello!

Check out their music!


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