
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Quilt Covered Composition Book, a tutorial

I saw these covered compositions book here and thought they would make great gifts.   
  • Fusible batting - mine was 11" by 25" Composition book - I found mine at Target for 40 cents each.
  • Fabric - this is a good project for using up your scraps.
  • Lining/backing fabric  - 11" by 25"
  • Optional - Embroidery thread, wonder under if you want to use an applique

1.  First measure your book. 
 2.  Add a 5" overlap on each side and make sure you have 3/8" added to the top and bottom.  Cut your fusible batting and backing fabric.
  2.  Lay out your fabric to your liking.  Sew together and then iron onto the fusible batting.  I used spray adhesive to attach the backing fabric to the batting but you can use pins.

3.  Stitch as you would like.  I did some free motion stitching and hand stitching.  Now is when you would do applique or embroidery if you want.

4.  Take two strips of fabric and bind the short edges on each side.  Then finish the long edges with a serger or a zig-zag stitch. Turn over the 5" overlap, right sides together and stitch a 3/8" seam.  Trim the corners and turn right side out.  Hand or machine stitch the center area between the two flaps.  
I made this one for my partner in the Scrappy Haiku Mug Rug Swap.  
The front.
And the back.

It's a quick, fun project that can be reused when the book is filled.   You could even add a button and hair tie or ribbons so it would stay closed.   If you make one I'd love to see a photo!   Thanks for stopping by!

Check out my linky parties to see where I'm linking up!


  1. So cute!! I can't wait to try one. And I really love the embroidery touches

  2. Books cover of fabric are so sweet and so warm. I always love that and would try later. Your tutorial is very detail. Thanks.

  3. I am going to try your tutorial. I keep looking at all of the tutes online and looking for one that looks easy to do, and by George, I do think I've finally found one that I could make. :D Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

  4. Came from 30 handmade days party. Love that you can reuse the cover.

  5. Pretty! Certainly makes a composition book have a nice feeling associated with it (rather than one of dread...) :) here from Think Pink

  6. Adorable! I love the flowers quilted on the back!

  7. Came over to see more of the cute applique flowers and found a tutorial! Thanks!!
