
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Stockings Were Hung...

Me and my big ideas!  I had bought this fabric at JoAnn's after Christmas last year with the idea to make new stockings. Why I waited until December to start, I have no idea. I was going to make them all the same with the maroon on the bottom but then thought the green might look more masculine.  I used my daughter Jocelyn's Accent machine to embroider the names. I made 11 in all. My parents get a new one, our family including a boyfriend and a girlfriend. I even made one for the new friend from Taiwan that Jocelyn is bringing home from college for Christmas break. 
 I sort of followed this tutorial after seeing these stockings here.
Now my problem is how do I hang 11 stockings on my mantel! I only have 8 stocking holders. I hung the last three up by paper clips just to take the picture! I don't think that is going to work once I fill them! :)

Blessings to you and yours, 


  1. They are adorable. I do hear you why oh why do we do this to ourselves in this crazy month. Thanks for sharing, I will follow on my way out so I know the path back to your lovely blog. I hope you will find the time to come visit my place soon and do the same. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and look forward to supporting your blog in 2012. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  2. For hanging the stocking use a dowel or curtain rod in the hooks of the stocking holders and then hang the stockings from the rod. I read that somewhere else.

  3. Looks great!! I really like that red fabric, and I never would've thought to pair it with green & white dots, but it works!
