
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Scrappy Trip Around the World

My quilt group the Wild Threads decided to make a quilt and donate it to the church where we have our sew-in's. They are having a fundraiser pony show in July so we thought a Scrappy Trip Around the World quilt would be a great group project and a way of saying thanks for allowing us the use of their great space.  Here is a link to a flickr group with lots of Trip Around the World blocks.  We each brought eight 2 1/2" by WOF (that means Width of Fabric!) strips to our last meeting, threw them all in a big pile on the floor and then everyone just chose enough for 2 blocks.  Lisa brought the red fabric for all of us so that each block would have red running through it.   These blocks were super easy to make.  Here is a tutorial on how to make them.

My friends are all going on retreat this coming weekend and are going to put them all together. I can't wait to see how it looks! 

In other news I am sick again - I guess it comes with working with little children. Have you been hearing any of the hulabaloo about how keeping an onion in your room sucks up the germs? Yeah, my bedroom smells like onions but I am still sick... 
Wishing you good health, love, and laughter!

1 comment:

  1. Great group project! Like the idea of the red running through it. Looking forward to seeing the quilt you make for your church fundraiser ... :) Pat
