
Friday, September 23, 2011

Christmas Gift #1 (Joc don't read!)

Sorry about that friends.  
It's the only way I can blog about gifts without my daughter seeing what she's getting! :)

State Pillow
I saw this adorable pillow over here at In Between Laundry and thought it would be a cute idea for my daughter who meet her 'friend' in Pennsylvania at school. He's from PA, she's from MD.


  • Fabric - I bought a 1/2 yard of off white fabric and 1/4 yard of the print.
  • Embroidery thread
  • Poly Fill
  • Wonder Under or Heat and Bond
  • Cord if you want to do a piping.  You could just do a ruffle.


  1. Find your state on the web.  It took me a couple of tries printing to get the size I wanted.  Print out.  Trace the outline on the paper side of the Wonder Under. Iron the Wonder Under onto the fabric.  I had a hard time with this.  I think I did Maryland 4 times.  UGH.  So many stinking tributaries!  Finally I did a google search for tips.  The trick is to only press for the time indicated on your Wonder Under.  Then let it sit and cool for a while before cutting and peeling the paper off.  I use a pin somewhere in the center and pull a little section up to get it going.

 2.  Place your states where you want them.   This pillow is about 18" by 12".  Also, keep in mind the shapes of your states because as you can see I put PA on the left and MD on the right THEN after I was all done realized I didn't like it that way because the lines from the heart weren't even...  I took them both off and redid them!
3.  Embroider a heart in the center.  I embroidered the red lines after I quilted the top.
4.  I free motion quilted lines all over the open area except in the states and heart.
5.  I decided it needed a big piping so I bought cording and gathered the fabric on it to make my own piping.  PS.  Not fun.  I would do a ruffle next time.

6.  I made an envelope closure for the back.  

7.  I couldn't buy a pillow form the size I needed so I had to make my own.  My trick is to use batting and make it the same size as the pillow form fabric, put it inside and then put the poly fill inside that.  It makes the form smooth on the outside.  I stitched close the batting and then stitched the fabric closed by hand.

I think she is really going to like it!  Now onto the next project. 

Blessings friends,

Tip Junkie handmade projects


  1. So pretty-- I love the quilted take on my pillow. :)

  2. Gorgeous pillow. What a wonderful gift for your daughter.

  3. That is so pretty! Love the idea and thank you for the tutorial.
    I think we have all had a 'friend'. :o)

  4. Oh how cute!! :o)
    What a sweet gift!!

  5. That is adorable. Your daughter will love it! I am a new follower from Too Cute Tuesday. Vicky @

  6. Cute! I might put a third state on one for us--the state where we met (and still live and our children were born), probably right under the heart.

    So did you quilt the top without any batting & backing?

  7. Kathleen, super cute!!! I need to make one - for me, for my daughter, for my son....Thanks for sharing this!

  8. This is so cute. I have a son obsessed with geography these've given me a great idea. :)

  9. Oh my goodness I love this! I am totally going to make this for my boyfriend and me! He's from England and I am Californian... :)

  10. This is absolutely amazing! Definitely one of my favorite "state" projects I've seen yet! You did such an amazing job- looks professionally made for sure. I'm impressed with the detail- especially with a state as intricate to make as Maryland- if only your daughter was from Wyoming :) I love it. Thank you SO much for sharing!
    - Haley

  11. Hi I'm a new follower from Cure for the Common Monday.

    I LOVE this idea! My husband is from MT and I'm from IL - it would be perfect for us too! <3

    Please feel free to link up to my Make Yourself Monday Blog Hop!

    For Love of Cupcakes

  12. Thank you so much for joining the Make Yourself Monday blog hop!!

    For Love of Cupcakes

  13. This is great! I love it. Followed you over from A Creative Princess.

  14. what a great gift idea!!! i would definitely love to have one of these!! :)

  15. What a great idea!! I am a military brat so I really realte to the idead of different states with love inbetween!! You did an excellent job. I love the quilting!! Thanks for linking up to Totally Tutorials Tuesday!!

  16. WOW! That's all I can say! WOW! Well, and that this is totally AWESOME!

    Thanks for linking up to Totally Tutorial Tuesdays. I can't wait to see what you link up next week :)


  17. Hi Kathleen, what a lovely idea for a present for your daughter. I wish I could sew. I recently found your blog and am now following. I would love it if you would pop on over and visit minbe and maybe you would like to follow me also. Hugs, Chris
