
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hoo are you?

Good morning friends.  I hope your morning started out better than mine! I'd tell you about it but in the words of my son Michael, age 28, he would say TMI! So I will spare you! :)  Today I am participating in Night Owl crafting's Hoo are you? post.
1. Do you prefer sweet or salty foods?

I don't think I prefer one over the other. I like them both! I LOVE chocolate and Swedish fish but I also love pretzels. I was one happy girl when they started making gluten free pretzels!
2. Name your 3 BEST personality traits!
Responsible, trustworthy, friendly. PS. It is pretty bad when you have to do a google search for a list of personality traits. :)  
3. Name your 3 worst personality traits!
Insecure, Undisciplined, and Selfish with my time.
4. Do you collect anything?
I used to collect Precious Moment figurines when I first got married.  Now I am collecting fabric and sewing books!
5. What is your favorite season of the year?
I love the spring time.  I love watching my perennials start to come up in the garden.  Knowing that winter is over and you can open up the windows is wonderful!

Well, that was a lot of introspection for one day! :)  Do you want to play along?  I'm linking up here.



  1. Oh, I'm selfish with my time, too! I should have put that on my list of bad traits. I love pretzels also!

  2. Its amazing how things change indefinitely when you get married and then when you add on kids. I didn't get into sewing until now that I have a daughter (which is still a work in progress). :)

  3. Seems like I am always collecting fabric and sewing books too! soooooo many inspirations and ideas, sooooo little time! or should I say "sew" little time? ;-) stopping by after visiting the night owl linky; i am your newest follower. blessings, katie at brighton park
