I just can not stop looking at this mug rug I received in the Scrappy Mug Rug 4 swap on flickr. OH MY GOODNESS. It is unbelievable. There should be an award for this kind of work.
Karen, also known as Sewgentle, got me as her partner. Since this was my very first swap I wasn't sure what I was supposed to write on my flickr profile that would help someone know what I would like. I actually read through a bunch of other swappers profiles to get an idea of what to write! Well, Karen did a little snooping and found out I am a big Survivor fan. This is what she made for me. It is obviously too beautiful to actually use but I will treasure it for sure.
I noticed a hand drawn campfire on the outside of the box but I did not have a clue until I read the letter Karen wrote. When I opened the box the first thing I saw was a package wrapped in a bandana/buff! It was tied with strings with lots of knots just like the challenges! The letter (my Tree Mail!) had burnt edges and was rolled up and tied on top of the bandana with a stick that Karen said I could use as a toothbrush if I wanted!
When I saw the mug rug I just could NOT believe it and there was still more in the box! There was a burlap bag, tied with more string! :) Inside that bag was tea, RICE - seriously you need rice. (Get back Philip!) There was another package that was Sea Salt wrapped in a piece of beautiful fabric. THEN, there was one more package.... a Hidden Immunity Idol!!!
I wish Karen could of seen me. I called my husband (Survivor is our 'date' night!) before I had even opened everything because I was SO excited! All I can say is WOW. Today really is my favorite day!

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